Planting Hope with Ecoventura on Earth Day

AUTHOR Melissa Sotomayor

Earth Day, celebrated every year on April 22, provides an opportunity to contemplate the significance of a thriving planet, engaging billions in various global activities.

This year, the theme ‘Planet vs. Plastics’ addresses the critical issue of plastic pollution, focusing on the threat it is to our planet and health. Plastics harm the environment and pose a serious risk to human health, as they release harmful chemicals into our food, water, and air when they degrade into microplastics.
Each year, millions of tons of this plastic are discarded into landfills and oceans, contaminating our surroundings, endangering wildlife, and infiltrating our food chain.

Recycle for the Lifecycle

The Galapagos Islands are renowned for their unparalleled and unspoiled ecosystem, recognized as among the most pristine anywhere on Earth, and at Ecoventura, we are deeply committed to preserving this natural treasure for generations to come.

Since 2017, we’ve eliminated single-use plastic bottles and straws, providing refillable options for guests.

Our yachts feature filtered water refill stations, eliminating the need for disposable water bottles. Additionally, our bathrooms offer shampoo, soap, and body wash in refillable bottles, avoiding one-use throwaways.

In 2022, we installed two new state-of-the-art machines to enable recycling at Ecoventura’s facilities in San Cristobal.

This initiative saves approximately 9,000 kg of waste per year from being landfilled in the Galapagos Islands, as it allows rubbish to be processed ready for transport to a recycling center in mainland Ecuador in partnership with Avianca.

Planting Hope in the Galapagos Highlands

This Earth Day, Ecoventura invited its guests on board the April 21-28 cruise to partake in a unique and impactful conservation initiative. Participants had the opportunity to contribute directly to the preservation of the Galapagos Islands’ native flora by planting trees at one of the biggest natural reserves located in the lush highlands of Santa Cruz Island.

Rancho Primicias, known for its population of giant tortoises, provides a picturesque setting for this conservation effort. In partnership with the Galápagos National Park, the reserve prepared the terrain and supplied native tree species sourced from the Park’s own nursery. The varieties of trees included Chala, Matazarno, Scalesia, Guayabillo, and Romerillo. These species are integral to the local ecosystem, offering essential benefits like habitat for wildlife, soil stabilization, and climate regulation.

Celebrating Mother Earth

In addition to the tree planting, Ecoventura crafted a special cocktail for Earth Day, aptly marking the occasion to celebrate the collective efforts of guests who participated in this vital initiative.

Throughout the cruise, guides discussed the importance of reforestation projects in the Galapagos and the significant impact these efforts have on the overall health of the ecosystem. This provided guests with a deeper understanding of the critical role each species plays in the environment and the importance of their actions on Earth Day.

Joining Hands for our Planet

By actively participating in these reforestation efforts, guests are not only contributing to the health of the Galapagos ecosystems but are also taking a stand in a global effort to protect our species.

Planting a tree is more than a symbolic gesture; it is a direct contribution to the preservation and enhancement of the unique biodiversity that makes the Galapagos Islands a treasure for the world. By joining us in this celebration, our guests make a lasting impact on one of the most enchanting places on Earth!